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Couples Enrichment

Invest in your relationship with the #1 marriage assessment

and coaching by a team of certified peer support specialists

Couple Meditating


Listening | Expressing | Connecting | Thinking


Sex | Bonding | Trust


Budgeting |  Planning


Co-parenting | Blended Families

Our 4 Pillars

Communication | Finances |  Intimacy |  Parenting


We use the Prepare/Enrich assessment to support couples to discover their strengths and growth areas, increase collaborative communication, resolve conflicts, understand personality differences, identity major life stressors, and share goals.


This customized program can be used by engaged, cohabitating, newlywed, married, and parenting couples.

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Our Couples Enrichment program offers:

  • a 30 minute in-person initial meeting to establish goodness of fit

  • online customized assessment

  • 6 feedback sessions (more if needed)

  • dual facilitation by a married couple Phillip & Ambrosia Johnson

  • face-to-face or virtual flexibility

  • reflective, honest discussion

  • interpersonal and intimate skill building

  • opportunity to enhance relationship skills


Investment: $95 per 60-minute session

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